A Focused California Child Custody Lawyer

Divorce can be emotional when minor children are involved. Allow results-focused attorney Jordana Better to help you move forward with your child’s well-being in mind.

A child holding hands with parents, symbolizing child custody. - Law Office of Jordana N. Better

Are you facing a divorce that requires sharing custody? Unsure of what’s best for your children? When emotions run high, negotiating workable and reasonable child custody plans can seem like an impossible uphill climb. A reasonable, direct voice can be a valuable asset when handling child custody concerns.

Attorney Jordana Better brings with her ample experience in mediation, child custody disputes, and helping couples understand what is best for minor children. While other attorneys approach divorce cases with an emotional or impassioned focus, Jordana Better brings with her a commitment to good communication, finding common ground, and making sure agreements are workable and helpful for all involved.

And when children are involved, stability, certainty, and clarity are vital. Are you in need of superior legal help in San Francisco, Los Angeles, or San Diego, California? Child custody lawyer Jordana Better can help you understand what to expect moving forward, what to consider, and how to communicate with your children in mind.

What Should You Consider During A Child Custody Mediation?

When seeking to move forward with the other party in a child custody case, it’s easy for emotions, bitterness, and confusion to cloud judgment. You need clear, meaningful guidelines and goals to consider, as well as an attorney with exceptional communication skills and a gift for objectivity.

So, what should you consider during child custody mediation? A good child custody dispute attorney will help you and the other party consider your child’s essential needs, personality, and preferences. For example, where would your child like to go to school? Which parent is best equipped to handle transportation? Are there lifestyle or value differences to consider?

Perhaps one parent is better equipped to handle an older child while the other excels at navigating life with an infant. Consider the amount of time you can commit to each child, your professional life, the overall happiness of your child, and their emotional and social needs.

How Can Mediation Help In A Child Custody Case?

A child holding hands with two adults, representing child custody. - Law Office of Jordana N. Better

You and the other party may have vastly different ideas about what your child needs. While divorce is always difficult for the adults involved, it can be especially painful for children. They’re losing a stable and predictable part of their lives and often struggle to understand adult disputes and relationships.

To make this transition easier for your child, mediation is often an important step. An accomplished and objective attorney can help you and the other party understand one another, consider the others’ perspectives, and take into account what is best for your children, as opposed to what sounds right on an emotional level.

The mediation process allows parties to sift out emotions and pain and focus instead on plain facts, practical abilities, and the day-to-day realities of your child’s life moving forward. While divorce is difficult, you, your child, and the other party deserve to be able to speak to each other civilly and productively.

While other law firms focus on winning what their clients want, Attorney Jordana N. Better shifts the focus to a child’s best interests. What your child needs most is for their parents to communicate clearly and meaningfully and work together.

This mediation process proves invaluable in deciding where a child will live and can help lessen the emotional impact of the divorce for all involved. This unique approach helps adults and children alike navigate divorce in a far healthier and more productive way.

The Law Office Of Jordana N. Better : Objective And Successful

Need superior and objective legal help in a child custody case? Attorney Jordana Better can help your children get the results they truly need.

Are you facing a child custody battle and unsure of where to turn? Allow the Law Office Of Jordana N. Better to help facilitate child custody mediation law with superior clarity and professionalism.

What your child needs is stability, answers, and a productive environment. What you need is a clear path forward and help hearing and being heard by your former spouse. Let an accomplished and proficient family law attorney facilitate mediation and help your child get the best possible outcome.

Have questions? Ready to move forward? Contact the Law Office Of Jordana N. Better at (888) 301-6777 for an initial consultation today.

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